Monday, April 26, 2010

CVS Trip 4/26: Saved 93% + received $10 ECBs!

Surprisingly today, CVS gave me more trouble than Walgreens! I think this is a first. 
If you are planning on doing the Tresemme Fresh Start BOGO coupon + $2 off coupon, it did not work at 2 locations for me.
(and these locations have always taken BOGO + dollar amount off coupons from me without a problem)
The Tresemme BOGO may be coded to cover both items instead of just one. Just a heads up!

Transaction #1:
4 CVS toilet paper rolls @ $1.15 each
(2) $1 off CVS coupons
Total: .60c for all 4

Pampers Cruisers @ $8.49
$3 off CVS coupon from May Parenting Magazine
(from actual Magazine, not printable)
$2 from 3/14 RP
Total: $3.49 + $1 ECB

Irish Spring bodywash @ $2.99
$1 off Reinventing Beauty Magazine
Total: $1.99 + $2 ECB

Softsoap bodywash @ $2.99
$1 off Reinventing Beauty Magazine
Total: $1.99 + $2 ECB

3 Wheat Thins @ $1 each
(3) $1 off printable
Total: FREE

2 CVS 30SPF Sunblocks (2 fl. oz.) @ $2.19
(1) $1 off CVS coupon CRT
Total: $3.38 + $5 ECB

Subtotal: $26.45
used $5/$25 coupon

Grand Total: $8.45, paid with $2 ECB and $4 ECB from previous week
Total OOP: $2.83 
Saved: $34.47 before sales and coupons
Received $10 ECBs!

Transaction #2:
(because I forgot to get them!)
Huggies Wipes @ $2.50
$2 off CVS coupon CRT
.50c from 4/18 SS
Total: FREE!

Want to see all the CVS deals this week? Head over here!
