Monday, April 26, 2010

Awesome Walgreens Trip: $1.02 OOP + $18 RR received!

I started out with (2) $2.50RR + (3) $3RR, and walked out with $15 RR.
(though it should have been $18 RR as you will see below)

Transaction #1:
Skintimate Shave Gel @ $2.99
-$2 from April Cosmo
Total: .99 + $3RR

Plackers flosser 90ct. @ $2.00
-.50c from 4/18 RP
Total: $1.50 + $2RR

Clearance filler item @ .24c
Beginning Total: $2.73, paid with $2.50 RR
Total OOP: .25c (tax incl.)

Transaction #2:
Stayfree Pads 16ct. @ $2.99
-$2 from 3/28 RP
Total: .99c + $3RR

Clio Hair Trimmer @ $4.99
Total: $4.99 + $5RR

Household Gloves filler @ .50c (w/in-ad Q)
Beginning Total: $6.48, paid with (2) $3 RR
Total OOP: .52c (tax incl.)

Transaction #3:
Plackers flossers 90ct. @ $2.00
Total: $2.00 + $2RR

Skintimate Shave gel @ $2.99
Total: $2.99 + $3RR

Household Gloves @ .50c (w/in-ad Q)

Clearance filler item @ .24c
Beginning Total: $5.73, paid with (1) $2.50 RR + (1) $3 RR*
*I accidentally used a RR from Skintimate to pay for Skintimate, which you can't do. Meant to use the $3 RR from Stayfree, which would have produced an additional $3RR
Total OOP: .25c (tax incl.)

Grand total: $1.02 OOP, $14 RR spent, $15 ($18) RR received!

If you would like to see all the great matchups for Walgreens, go here!
