As you may or may not know, CVS keeps up with your balances (unlike Walgreens) so that you do not have to spend the total amount in one transaction in order to get the ECB- you just have to spend the total before the promo ends.
As you can see from my receipt above, I spent $15.96 in my first transaction and needed $9.04 to get the ECBs. My second transaction shows $9.58 towards the Reward (not pictured), which would mean I successfully spent over $25 on baby care items, $10 ECB!
What happened?
From what I was told by CVS customer service, the system doesn't update that quickly- so doing two transactions back to back like in my scenario was too much at once for the computer to register. Now what?
-Double and triple check that you were suppose to receive the ECBs -Managers may not have the ability to manually print ECBs for you, even if they see the problem. The best thing to do is call the number on the back on your Extra Care Card and have your receipts in hand. They will ask you the store, transaction, and register number, and after 72 hours, your ECBs will appear on your next receipt! Very easy! (The transactions don't show up on CVS Customer Care's computer until 48 later. I would suggest calling 2 days after the hiccup, and within 24 hours they can correct the issue and credit your account)
If you have any questions or are confused about something, feel free to write a comment or email me.